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9:30 am in person

~ 125 W Church St, Elmhurst ~

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Sacraments and Life Rites 

Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the sign and seal of our common discipleship. Since baptism is God’s gift, the Holy Spirit is called to be upon the water and those being baptized. It marks the beginning of new life of discipleship with Christ, the human response to that gift.



The communion meal recalls the table fellowship Jesus shared with his disciples such as the Last Supper on the night before his death as well as his appearances to the disciples during meals following his resurrection.

Confirmation is a year-long study where a young person explores faith more deeply, and decides at the end of the study whether to take the vows of baptism as his or her own, thereby becoming a member of the Church.


Congratulations! The church shares your joy. A wedding ceremony is an act of worship. At St. Peter’s this means you are affirming your understanding that marriage is a sacred relationship in life.


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The Staff and Members of St. Peter's Church welcome you and your family in this hour of need.


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